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Jack Ma’s advice to young people

By 4 March 2020February 10th, 2024Inspiration

Jack Ma is the founder of Alibaba. He often tells the story of how he was always rejected as a kid, from university to even the local McDonald’s. However, he is a living proof that persistence can overcome anything.

This video is Jack Ma’s advice to young people. You’ll see, he loves small companies. “A small company will teach you the dream and the passion”.

Watch from 1:55 to the end.

A life well planned:

  • Before twenty years old, be a good student.
  • From twenty to thirty, go to a small company and follow a good boss.
  • From thirty to forty, work for yourself.
  • From forty to fifty, do what you do best.
  • From fifty so sixty, rely on the young people.
  • From sixty years old, spent time for yourself.