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Word of mouth (what our clients say)

By 1 November 2023February 18th, 2024Working with us

As you know, we always like to preach about the advantages of working with a small company. So in this article, we decided to compile a few compliments that we received over the years. If you want to know the story behind each one of them, send us a message and we can meet for a coffee!

Words from clients and partners

Excellent! Thanks a lot for managing it in the twinkling of an eye.

Matthias W. (CEO of Cluster of Excellence QuantumFrontiers, Leibniz University Hannover)2023/07/10

It was also a pleasure for me as well and it was great to see all the work performed. Impressive given the size of the company.

Roger H. (European Space Agency, head of section)2021/01/22

Dear amazing GRACE plotter team, first of all, many thank for keeping the project alive! It is very educative and clear.

Milan L. (University of Leeds)2022/10/18

Thank you once again, and in case you're busy, just accept my warm regards and respect for your work.

Milan L. (University of Leeds)2022/10/18

Is this a night shop?

Adrian J. (Astronomical Institute, Bern, Director)2015/01/13

Faster than the speed of light, as usual.

Ulrich M. (Astronomical Institute, Bern)2020/06/16

Dear Stéphane. I love you humour, please keep it and please keep sharing it.

Ulrich M. (Astronomical Institute, Bern)2021/11/08

I would like to express my thankfulness for the wonderful lectures we had in class. It's very considerate of you to include me well, even though I am the only international student. I wish we had more classes of yours.

Susmitha P. (SUPAERO student)2022/11/26

Merci ! Vous avez fait un sacré travail sur ces simulations !

Alexandre C. (CNES)2020/09/22

C'était super ! Très didactique, très convaincant et le message sur la SVD est passé très clairement.

Jean-Michel L. (CNES)2023/10/17

Vous avez accompli et continuez d'accomplir un travail phénoménal dans des conditions difficiles.

Louise L. (CNES)2020/05/06

Génial, waouh, mille mercis Stéphane !! Je vais déjà avaler tout ça et je reviens vers vous.

Isabelle P. (IPGP)2022/11/21

J'ai découvert des personnes extraordinairement gentilles, accueillantes et inspirantes qui m'ont guidée lors de ces quelques mois.

Julie B. (stagiaire)2019/07/29

Merci pour l'excellent travail que vous avez encadré et qui nous a été présenté ce matin.

Philippe M. (CNES, Directeur Adjoint à la Direction des Systèmes Orbitaux)2019/10/01

C'est élégant et astucieux et lisible. Ça me plaît.

Franck R. (CNES)2021/03/09

Mais quelle classe ! Bravo et encore bravo.

Mioara M. (CNES, Head of Science Coordination Department)2024/01/23